Monday, July 9, 2012

My Life in a Closet

Once, for a few months as I went from 18-19, I lived in a shoebox. Some people might have considered it outright spacious, others might think of it as more of a matchbox, but let's just go with me who lived there and call it a shoebox. I was thinking about it today, and don't ever want to lose this memory.
I've never lived in a dorm, but this was pretty close.
As far as I recall, it was about 12 feet long and maybe 4.5 feet wide. It had no windows. For the first two weeks it was...cozy. Thereafter it went from stifling to panic-inducing. There was rope light all around the top molding. There was a built-in bookcase/low closet with curtains at the back. The left wall was the hip-wide walking space, and the right wall had everything else. A a hefty vintage desk, wedged in there before everything else, surmounted with doorless discount cabinets from Lowe's. A narrow, high captain's bed that you had to jump up onto, with a very comfortable massage table mattress that is still to date the best sleep of my life. As long as you didn't turn over much. Under that bed you could easily fit tall Rubbermaid totes. I did, with coats, costumes, art supplies, and off season clothing. There was also a cheap pressed board bookcase that I bought myself for 10.00 and put together.
I loved that room. Mostly.
Still kinda do.
When I was a child I used to beg my mom to let me move into the guest half-bath. I had it all figured out.  I wanted to be in a snug little nest with everything in reach, using miniature things and making do. I still have the tug for that once in a while.
My life in a shoebox wasn't the best part of that time, but it was memorable. A memory I'm glad I have.

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