Thursday, March 24, 2011

Patience. Ponderings. Pandemonium.

Today I begin my 15th week. On April 1st, I will begin my 5th month. So I'm halfway to meeting my first child.
I want to think that I am feeling flutterings, but as they say, early ones like this are kind of indistinguishable from other belly rumblings. (Which I have a lot of.)
Axel dyed my hair purple last night. Well, it was supposed to be purple. Turned out like a wine rinse over my brunette, my blonde roots glowing like raspberry jelly. I LOVE IT. Love me some Herbavita!
 Tattoos have been on my mind lately. But I doubt I could find someone willing to do that on a preggo, more is the pity...
I'm such a rebel. I'm not worried about my pregnancy! I dyed my hair! I drink wine on Sabbath! (but only because Papa asked me to. I don't really like the taste at the moment.)
The registry is forming, we are looking into the next phase of our housing, and my birthday is coming up.
Wow, 21. I'm going to be a-n-c-i-e-n-t. Often throughout my life, I wondered if I would ever make it to 21. If they would LET me, lol.
I'm so happy. So excited about being alive right now. So healthy, so at peace. Looking around every corner for a delightful surprise from Papa.
Everything has His fingerprints all over it.
Consider: He asked me to overhaul our diets. To exactly what the midwife wants me on. When I could start affording new clothes again, changing my style and developing my work-fashion around comfortability and solid pieces to mix and match, it turns out the clothing I was wearing is just what is recommended for post-partum fashion. My body and psyche SO knew that I was pregnant.
One after another, things are falling into place like clockwork.

The hand of the Lord has done this, and it is marvelous in our eyes.

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